職人が描いた金虎です。 筆の握る力一つ変われば、変化するのが手描き絵です。職人の気合と人情が加わった手描き作務衣です A Gold Tiger drawn by a craftsman with a brush. If the power of the brush changes, hand-painted pictures change subtly. Samue is a hand-painted picture that adds the spirit and craftsmanship of a craftsman.
当店の作務衣はサイズがゆったりしています。 Our Kimono Samue size is loose
サイズは目安です。当店の作務衣には全部ズボンのポケットが脇に付けてあります!詳しくはページ下部のサイズ表をご覧ください This KIMONO SAMUE is suitable for spring and summera Japanese Spring symbol. The recommended size is an aim. Specifically, please see a size list of the lower page
3Lのお勧めは身長170cm台から180cmくらいでお腹周りが110cmまで、太腿部分が70cmくらい 股下75cm 3L is recommended for those with a height of 5ft7in to 5ft11in, abdomen around 43.3in, and thighs around 27.6in Inseam 29.5in
4Lお勧めは身長170cm台から180cmくらいでお腹周りが115cm、太腿部分が 75cmくらい方、股下は77cm 4L is recommended for those with a height of 5ft7in to 5ft11in, abdomen around 45.3in, and thighs around 29.5in Inseam 30.3in
5Lお勧めは身長175cm台から185cmくらいでお腹周りが120cm、太腿部分が 80cmくらいの方、股下は77cm 5L is recommended for those with a height of 5ft9in to 6ft1in, abdomen around 47.2in, and thighs around 31.5in Inseam 30.3in
6Lお勧めは身長175cm台から195cmくらいでお腹周りが125cm、太腿部分が 85cmくらいの方、股下は77cm 6L is recommended for those with a height of 6ft to 6ft5in, abdomen around 49.2in, and thighs around 33.5in Inseam 30.3in
7Lお勧めは身長175cm台から195cmくらいでお腹周りが130cm、太腿部分が 90cmくらいの方、股下は77cm 7L is recommended for those with a height of 6ftto 6ft7in, abdomen around 51.2in, and thighs around 35.4in Inseam 30.3in
金虎 Gold Tiger
1. 駿河路の作務衣屋がデザインし、京都の手描き絵職人が一枚づつ描きました Designed by a Surugaji Samueya, drawn by hand-painted Kyoto artisans one by one
2. 丈夫な先染め40双糸の糸を使用し、織られた生地を使用 Made of woven fabric using 40 yarns of durable dyed yarn
3. 本体は本格派の紬織り作務衣です しなやかな仕上がり The main body is a full-fledged pongee weaving Samue work clothes. Supple finish
4. 品質は綿100%で吸収性に優れており凹凸感のある独特の感触です The quality is 100% cotton, it has excellent absorbency and has a unique texture with unevenness.
5. 着合わせには下駄や雪駄、部屋着、外出着として You can comfortably wear geta, setta, room wear, and outing clothes.
写楽雪駄はこちら Sharaku's Seta 駿河下駄はこちら Suruga Geta 駿河草履はこちら Suruga-zouri
A Gold Tiger drawn by a craftsman with a brush. If the power of the brush changes, hand-painted pictures change subtly. Samue is a hand-painted picture that adds the spirit and craftsmanship of a craftsman.
Our Kimono Samue size is loose
This KIMONO SAMUE is suitable for spring and summera Japanese Spring symbol. The recommended size is an aim. Specifically, please see a size list of the lower page
3L is recommended for those with a height of 5ft7in to 5ft11in, abdomen around 43.3in, and thighs around 27.6in Inseam 29.5in
4L is recommended for those with a height of 5ft7in to 5ft11in, abdomen around 45.3in, and thighs around 29.5in Inseam 30.3in
5L is recommended for those with a height of 5ft9in to 6ft1in, abdomen around 47.2in, and thighs around 31.5in Inseam 30.3in
6L is recommended for those with a height of 6ft to 6ft5in, abdomen around 49.2in, and thighs around 33.5in Inseam 30.3in
7L is recommended for those with a height of 6ftto 6ft7in, abdomen around 51.2in, and thighs around 35.4in Inseam 30.3in
Gold Tiger
Designed by a Surugaji Samueya, drawn by hand-painted Kyoto artisans one by one
Made of woven fabric using 40 yarns of durable dyed yarn
本体は本格派の紬織り作務衣です しなやかな仕上がり
The main body is a full-fledged pongee weaving Samue work clothes. Supple finish
The quality is 100% cotton, it has excellent absorbency and has a unique texture with unevenness.
You can comfortably wear geta, setta, room wear, and outing clothes.
Sharaku's Seta 駿河下駄はこちら
Suruga Geta 駿河草履はこちら
e-mail Contact
100% cotton
Adaptive height Length Sleeve -Waist Pants length
3L 175-185 82 77 108-116 102-112 109
4L 175-185 84 80 112-120 110-120 110
5L 175-185 85 82 116-124 118-128 110
6L 178-190 96 93 124-132 122-132 118
7L 185-195 96 94 128-136 126-136 118
the color may look slightly different on the screen and in the actual product. Please understand
This is simple Samue click☟☟
Matoi-tex Kimono Samue☟
Japanese SAshiko click☟☟
・お洗濯方法 洗濯機で洗えますが手洗いが作務衣の痛みを防ぐので、なるべくなら手洗い陰干しが良いかと思います。
How to wash and maintain SAMUE